O l t i o n
Z e f i

Oltion Zefi
With extensive experience as a software developer and engineering leader, I've successfully driven innovation and managed high-performing teams across diverse industries in Germany. I approach every project with a strategic mindset and a strong commitment to delivering transformative results.
Experience in
Engineering Management, Software Development & Coaching
10+ Years
on Agreement & on Request

A b o u t   M e

Technical Expertise and Leadership

With over a decade of experience as a software developer, I specialize in web development and currently serve as an Engineering Manager of a 50-person team spread across multiple sub-teams. In this role, I’ve developed a strong ability to build and lead functional teams that consistently achieve their objectives and goals, focusing on a balance between quality, quantity, and performance. Additionally, I’ve operated as DevOps/Head of DevOps, playing a crucial role in integrating development and operations. This has involved creating a robust and scalable infrastructure that has led to greater system stability and reliability. My technical expertise spans multiple programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, Go, and PHP, with proficiency in front-end frameworks like React and Angular, and back-end frameworks such as Symfony and NestJS.

Educational Background and Continuous Learning

I hold a degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Tirana and a degree in Project Management from the University of Barcelona. This academic foundation, combined with extensive industry experience, provides me with a strong analytical mindset and a comprehensive understanding of both the technical and managerial aspects of software development. I thrive on solving complex problems and enjoy collaborating with my team to find the most effective solutions.

Personal Interests and Work Preferences

When I’m not immersed in coding or managing projects, I enjoy hiking, savoring a good cup of coffee, and exploring diverse cuisines. Reading is another passion of mine, particularly on weekends. I value collaboration and prefer hands-on working over excessive discussion—action drives progress. I also tend to make decisions promptly, even if they aren’t perfect, because having something tangible to evaluate and improve is far better than having nothing at all. If I don’t respond during working hours, it’s because I’ve set up a focused working mode on my phone. Notifications, except those from our work tools, are silenced, and only family members can break through this mode in case of an emergency or if something truly requires my attention. My most productive work hours are usually before meetings start at 9:45 AM, so I focus on critical tasks during this time. If you need to reach out, an email with a brief overview is appreciated. For quick discussions, a call is preferred, and for in-depth business ideas, face-to-face interaction is the most effective.

Contact Information

Feel free to reach out via my personal email at [email protected] or through my website’s contact email at [email protected]. Whether it’s for a quick chat, a detailed discussion, or just to share ideas, I’m always open to connecting.

M y   R e s u m e

Talented Software Developer with 10+ years of experience, on a mission to provide clients with the best possible solutions—after all, why settle for average when excellence is within reach? As an Engineering Manager, I've led teams across various industries to remarkable success, all while creating a work environment so positive and creative that people might actually enjoy coming to work. I’m all about crafting amazing career paths, advancements, and coaching sessions—because nothing says ‘I care’ like pushing people to be their best, whether they like it or not. My secret? A blend of strategic thinking, relentless curiosity, and just the right amount of sarcasm to keep things interesting. After all, if we’re not having fun while succeeding, are we even doing it right?

Web development

Modern and mobile-ready website that will help you reach all of your marketing.

Engineering Management

Providing experienced and dedicated engineering management to lead cross-functional teams, deliver innovative solutions, and drive success across diverse industries, with a strong focus on hard work and OKR-driven results.

Cloud Development

Software application to run in a cloud computing environment within and specifically for that environment.


Expert leadership in DevOps to optimize development and operational processes, deliver innovative solutions, and drive success across diverse industries.


Advertising services include setup of GTM, GA and optimizing campaigns.

IT Consulting

Advisory services that help clients assess different technology strategies.


Offering comprehensive Azure cloud solutions to empower your business with scalable, secure, and reliable cloud services.


Developing TypeScript solutions that enhance your codebase with the robustness and clarity of a well-structured type system.


Enhancing your applications with JavaScript solutions that offer dynamic and flexible functionality for modern web development.


Delivering specialized Angular development services to build robust, scalable, and user-friendly web applications.


Delivering tailored Node.js development services to craft powerful, efficient, and scalable server-side applications.


Providing NestJS development services that make your backend so well-structured, even your code will be proud of itself!

M y   P r o j e c t s

With an unlimited number of projects, listing all of them is impossible. Instead, it is preferred to highlight some key projects that were successfully delivered to clients and had a significant impact.

B l o g

My latest news, posts and informations...

P a r t n e r s

List of beloved Partners that work with me and I work with them